A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
The Ahmad Foundation
Refugee Services
The Ahmad Foundation assists individuals and families that have come to the U.S. as refugees by providing them with access to educational courses, certifications, and training to succeed in their new home. We seek to provide them with funding and guidance to complete an education that will give them a career path.
These individuals and families face immense challenges of learning the English language, finding employment, adequate housing, furniture, money for bus passes and transportation, and even food. We assist refugees by providing assistance for them to gain knowledge of the English language, training, certifications, such as a Microsoft Office Certification, so they are able to apply for entry-level positions with a career goal in mind. We provide them a financial package to cover the cost of the education, a prepaid store card to purchase business attire, and a prepaid transportation card for the Metro and/or Bus Pass.
By having an understanding of the English language, basic skills training and certifications, and understanding of how to apply for a job, they will be given the opportunity to begin a career and provide for their family.